
If you are required to have your financial statements and other figures audited by an accountant, you will want this performed agreeably and efficiently. We realise this. There can be no question about the value of our auditors’ opinion; quality always takes priority. We provide certainty for you and third parties and look beyond the figures alone. We contribute ideas on the organisation, the results, the risks and their management.

Naturally, we hold a licence under the Audit Firms Supervision Act (WTA). We work with modern software and technologies and communicate clearly, so that you know where you stand. On completion of our examination, we make a recommendation for your administrative processes and other aspects of the business operations. You benefit here from our broad training, which goes beyond auditing alone.

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  • No long reports, but clear advice
  • Broad knowledge & complete solutions
  • Access to an international network

Our services

Below services are related to Audit

If you are required to have your financial statements or other figures audited by an accountant, you will want this performed agreeably and efficiently. We realise this. We look beyond the figures alone. We contribute ideas on your organisation, the results and the risks and their management.

Enterprise brings many freedoms, but also entails obligations. In some sectors, assessment instructions are an example of such an obligation. With assessment instructions, we issue you with a statement that we have not found any evidence that financial statements are incorrect. An assessment instruction is less detailed than an audit, but provides a conclusion on the financial statements in accordance with prescribed guidelines. With assessment instructions, the structure and existence of the internal business operations is examined. Naturally, we will advise you on whether and how this can be improved.

‘Our advisor offers solicited and unsolicited advice and always listens to us. Ruitenburg gives us full confidence in our ability to do business.’

Laura Notten, The Giftmakers

Onze adviseurs helpen je graag verder

Niels Baan

Niels Baan

Jan Lakeman

Jan Lakeman

Esther Boer

Esther Boer

Lennert Schra

Lennert Schra



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