
The rules relating to labour law are often complex and change regularly. We help you to translate the laws and regulations in terms of your own business. This may involve:

  • Employment contracts and dismissals;
  • Labour law issues in connection with mergers, acquisitions or reorganisations;
  • Flexible and temporary employment;
  • Tax-friendly remuneration and the work-related costs scheme.

We also offer guidance and advice on HR matters such as recruitment and selection and sickness absences. Naturally, we also provide the payroll administration for your business.

Erik van der Kooi

Erik van der Kooi

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  • No long reports, but clear advice
  • Broad knowledge & complete solutions
  • Access to an international network

Our services

Below services are related to Personnel

Employment law embraces a wide range of subjects. We can help you with all your questions about employment relationships, from recruiting an employee to his or her dismissal, and everything in-between. If, despite your best efforts, legal proceedings become unavoidable, we can handle those too.

So if you need advice on matters such as employment conditions, flexible working, reorganisation, occupational disability, co-determination or poor performance, make an appointment with us.

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Employee remuneration and loyalty can be designed in different ways. You may want to win the loyalty of key employees by giving them a bonus, or perhaps a share in your company. Or you may be interested in the possibilities for expenses allowances within the work-related costs scheme. We can help with good records of agreements and ensure that you do not pay more tax than is necessary.

Are the negative comments about the pension scheme true? How does the pension scheme actually work? What does the employer’s duty of care regarding pension communications involve? Shall I contract or renew a pension scheme for my employees? Am I required to join a sectoral pension scheme and do I then have to register everyone, including the one employee who doesn’t want to join?

Just some of the questions about pensions that we can answer for you.

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Finding and winning the loyalty of good employees is often a challenge. We therefore support you on the operational, administrative and policy levels. This could involve questions about remuneration and working conditions, for example. If employees perform less well, issues such as absences and building up files are raised. We help you with this too.

Our HR advisers work closely with payroll and legal advisers and can consequently answer your personnel questions quickly.

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Processing the payroll administration for your employees is a time-consuming job and you doubtless have other things to do. Let us arrange it for you! Your employees will obviously be paid according to the rules and working conditions that apply for your company, but we offer more; with the ‘Ruitenburg Salaries Online’, you can record, view and approve salary documents and personnel files online, at any time, on your tablet, smartphone or PC. You can do this yourself or together with a payroll administrator, and your own employees can also view documents.

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If you have to dismiss somebody who has worked for you for more than two years, that person is entitled to a transitional allowance. This allowance is intended to help him or her find a new job and can be spent on further training, for example. We have a useful tool on our website to calculate transitional allowances.

Transitional allowance tool

"It's important to us that we always know exactly where we stand. We also want to outsource our non-core business as much as possible. We've struck the right balance at Ruitenburg."

Sander Schutte, Mapiq!

Onze adviseurs helpen je graag verder

Martin Boekestijn

Martin Boekestijn

Marc Schouten

Marc Schouten

Arlo van der Meer

Arlo van der Meer

Niels Baan

Niels Baan



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