Financial statements, tax returns and financial administration

Just as fitness is the basis of a fast sprint, financial statements form the basis for the financial accounting for your business. On the basis of the financial statements, an opinion is formed of your organisation, firstly by you yourself, and secondly by third parties. Reliable information on the financial health of your business is also important for shareholders, supervisory authorities, financiers, investors, creditors and, of course, the Tax and Customs Administration. On the basis of the financial statements, these parties can take the right financial decisions for and about your business.

How can we help you? We compile the financial statements and provide for the income tax and corporation tax returns. We can also take the financial administration off your hands and where possible, digitise it with, for example, a scanning and recognition solution.

  • No long reports, but clear advice
  • Broad knowledge & complete solutions
  • Access to an international network

Our services

Below services are related to Financial statements, tax returns and financial administration

Imagine that you want to buy new business premises. You have a perfect location in mind, but still need financing. Unfortunately, you are increasingly told ‘No’ for this, or do not get the solution you are looking for. This is why we work with Credion. Credion has access to more than 50 sources of money, such as crowd funding, private investors and leasing. Together with you, we determine your financing requirement, advise you on potential financing parties and supervise the quotation process.

Your company’s financial statements are more than just a report on the past year. Elements such as the balance sheet, the cash flow statement and the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income form the basis for your accounting to, for example, financial institutions and the Tax and Customs Administration. You therefore want this to be done properly. Through further digitisation of this work, we can focus on the analysis of the financial statements. For what is better than making new future plans for your company together?

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We provide tax consultancy in comprehensible language. With a sense of creativity and the possibilities afforded by the tax legislation, we aim for an optimal design for your situation. The corporation and income tax returns are the end result of the tax advice that you receive from us during the year.

As an entrepreneur, you want to know where you stand. Not just on the basis of your bank balance, but also in relation to the rest of your business. Keeping up-to-date financial accounts gives you clarity about your entire financial situation. If we do this for you, or assist you with this, that saves time and you remain ‘in control’.

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As an entrepreneur, you want an up-to-date insight into your finances, so that you can make adjustments in good time. For example, if you see an imbalance developing between your personnel costs and productivity, or if, despite the fact that you are making a profit, there is no money in the bank. We can teach you how to compare forecasts with reality, so that you do not face surprises after the event.

Is your business financed with too much or not enough equity capital? Are your personnel costs high or low? Is your gross profit margin competitive enough? In short: are you interested to find out how your business is performing compared to industry peers? We can find out for you. Through our connection with SRA, a collaborative arrangement of nearly 400 accountancy firms, we have access to data of over 100,000 SMEs. This data originates from anonymised annual accounts from affiliated firms. This benchmark analysis allows us to make quick comparisons.

"It's important to us that we always know exactly where we stand. We also want to outsource our non-core business as much as possible. We've struck the right balance at Ruitenburg."

Sander Schutte, Mapiq!

Onze adviseurs helpen je graag verder

Marc Schouten

Marc Schouten

Ab Rood

Ab Rood

Kees Kocks

Kees Kocks

Stephanie Verhaagen

Stephanie Verhaagen



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