Innovation & subsidy

Running a business is dynamic. Modernisation is more than mere product innovation. Investing, exporting, collaborating and paying attention to the environment and sustainability are equally as important, if not more so.

Introducing innovation into your business does not only bring opportunities, it also leads to uncertainty and more (financial) risk, as you do not have results to fall back on. It is possible to tap into financial support for your business innovation project. This financial support can consist of subsidies, tax savings, interest discounts, rebates, soft loan conditions, guarantees and premium discounts.

Finding a match between your project and the right subsidy requires knowledge of the expansive subsidy field, the business community and entrepreneurship. Fortunately, this is exactly what we are able to offer you.

  • No long reports, but clear advice
  • Broad knowledge & complete solutions
  • Access to an international network

Our services

Below services are related to Innovation & subsidy

For employees involved in research and development and for expenses relating to this area, such as the purchase of equipment, you could receive a discount on tax to be paid. If you are self-employed, there will be an extra tax allowance in your income tax return. This scheme is referred to as the Promotion of Research and Development.

You could also be eligible for the ‘innovation box’, where profits are taxed at only 5%. If you are interested in any of the other advantages from which you can profit with innovative activities, call us!

Proper subsidy advice is based on sufficient information about your project. Often you personally may not even view it as a project or as being really innovative, but we know better! Be alert and quickly report new activities, or activities which you rarely carry out, to us.

A quick scan or a full scan will then give us sufficient insight to give you subsidy advice. We will not only tell you which subsidies may apply to your activities, we will draft, supervise and manage the applications.

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For some employees you can make savings on wage costs by using subsidies and facilities provided by the government and other institutions. This can include the low-income allowance, the Practice-based learning subsidy and premium reduction for older employees. We can advise you on applying for and making use of the facilities and subsidies.

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"It's important to us that we always know exactly where we stand. We also want to outsource our non-core business as much as possible. We've struck the right balance at Ruitenburg."

Sander Schutte, Mapiq!

Onze adviseurs helpen je graag verder

Lennert Schra

Lennert Schra

Gert van Holst

Gert van Holst

Stephanie Verhaagen

Stephanie Verhaagen

Mark de Bes

Mark de Bes



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