
Since the credit crisis, the financing structure of businesses has changed for good. As an entrepreneur you are increasingly been told ‘no’ when you are in need of extra funds. That is why you want proper assistance when submitting a financing proposal. We are a partner of Credion, an independent advisory organisation of banking specialists for entrepreneurs. Through the combined financing volume and the many different sources of money available to Credion, such as crowdfunding, leasing and investors, we, as Credion’s partner, are better placed than anyone else to realise business finance. Our internal financing experts are ready to assist you.

We can determine your financing requirements and prepare the desired financing mix and, in addition to statistical substantiation, provide advice on possible financing partners and will manage the offer process..

David 't Hart

David 't Hart

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  • No long reports, but clear advice
  • Broad knowledge & complete solutions
  • Access to an international network

Our services

Below services are related to Financing

On the basis of a comprehensive investment plan, a financing plan is prepared. This is the basis for your finance application. You supplement this with information from your business and the sector in which you work and there it is; your complete business plan. We can assist you during meetings with potential financiers and assess the offers you have received.

Is your business financed with too much or not enough equity capital? Are your personnel costs high or low? Is your gross profit margin competitive enough? In short: are you interested to find out how your business is performing compared to industry peers? We can find out for you. Through our connection with SRA, a collaborative arrangement of nearly 400 accountancy firms, we have access to data of over 100,000 SMEs. This data originates from anonymised annual accounts from affiliated firms. This benchmark analysis allows us to make quick comparisons.

Write out the plans you have for your business on paper: it will form the basis of your business plan and therefore of your financing plan. We can help you work out the financial part, review it critically, contribute alternative solutions and calculate the return period. You will also receive a cost price estimate.

When buying a business, a business valuation provides you with insight into the value of what you are buying; are you not paying too much? But you are not the only one wanting to know exactly what you are buying. If you require finance for the acquisition of a business, your financier also wants certainty. Are you able to pay the interest and repay the principal sum?

That is why, just like you, the financier also has an interest in a properly substantiated business valuation, including the future prospects of the business. A business valuation prepared by us will assist you in your application for finance.

It’s important to us that we always know exactly where we stand. We also want to outsource our non-core business as much as possible. We’ve struck the right balance at Ruitenburg.’

Sander Schutte, Mapiq!

Onze adviseurs helpen je graag verder

Rob van Mierlo

Rob van Mierlo

Lennert Schra

Lennert Schra

Ton Janszen

Ton Janszen

Peter Broer

Peter Broer



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