Company structure & restructuring

When you start your business, you must decide its legal form. The best known forms are sole trader, general partnership or B.V. Is your business operation changing, are you busy with new activities or is your business growing? It might then be advantageous to change the legal form of your business. It could be beneficial to divide your activities over several companies for example.

A business reorganisation is often prompted by legal or tax-related reasons. Perhaps you would like to ring-fence the more high-risk activities or limit taxation in the event of future transfer within the family or to third parties for example. Or you may want to arrange the control over your business or bind employees to the company by giving them a share in the business. We will help you make the right decisions.

  • No long reports, but clear advice
  • Broad knowledge & complete solutions
  • Access to an international network

Our services

Below services are related to Company structure & restructuring

Commercial contracts are at the core of doing business. This includes purchase and sales agreements with suppliers, joint ventures or general terms and conditions.

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If you switch legal form and must therefore pay corporation tax instead of income tax, or vice versa, you may be able to save tax. We can calculate the benefits and give advice on how the switch must be carried out so you pay the least amount of tax. If you are starting new activities, we would like to think along with you on what form this can best take place.

Restructuring your company can often be done without tax being levied. By taking the right precautionary measures on time, you can prevent having to pay tax at a later date. We would like to tell you more about this.

Your financing plan forms the basis for a successful financing application. We will accompany you to talks with potential financiers and naturally, we will assess the offers you receive.

‘The staff at Ruitenburg know how to deal with work in progress or calculated losses. That’s great.’

Jan Haring, Aannemingsbedrijf Verboon Maasland

Onze adviseurs helpen je graag verder

Erik van der Kooi

Erik van der Kooi

Jan Lakeman

Jan Lakeman

Koert Kouwenhoven

Koert Kouwenhoven

Greetje van der Heden

Greetje van der Heden



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