Enterprise brings many freedoms, but also entails obligations. In some sectors, assessment instructions are an example of such an obligation. With assessment instructions, we issue you with a statement that we have not found any evidence that financial statements are incorrect. An assessment instruction is less detailed than an audit, but provides a conclusion on the financial statements in accordance with prescribed guidelines. With assessment instructions, the structure and existence of the internal business operations is examined. Naturally, we will advise you on whether and how this can be improved.

It’s important to us that we always know exactly where we stand. We also want to outsource our non-core business as much as possible. We’ve struck the right balance at Ruitenburg.’

Sander Schutte, Mapiq!

Onze adviseurs helpen je graag verder

Aad Kester

Aad Kester

Laura Batenburg de Jong

Laura Batenburg de Jong

Gert van Holst

Gert van Holst

Greetje van der Heden

Greetje van der Heden



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